October 7, 2021 - October 8, 2021 | CIDER Conference

October, 07-08th 2021 in Berlin

This year's CIDER-LERN conference was organized by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and the German Center for Higher Education and Science Studies (DZHW) in collaboration with the CIDER Coordination Team and took place from October, 07-08th 2021 at the Leibniz Headquarters in Berlin.

The conference focused on the topics of early education and childcare, educational transitions as well as higher education. Besides paper and poster presentations, the program included keynotes by Ariel Kalil from the University of Chicago and Richard Arum from the University of California. In addition, the participants had the opportunity to discuss research funding opportunities with representatives of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the European Research Council and the Jacobs Foundation in a plenary discussion. A dinner cruise on the Berlin Spree completed the program.

Please find the conference program here.