The CESifo Research Network is based on the visitors program run by the Center for Economic Studies (CES) of the University of Munich (LMU). It brings together leading economists from around the globe and constitutes an ideal platform for the discussion of current applied and theoretical themes in economics, with an emphasis on public policy issues.
Target Group
Economists from all over the world
The Research Network offers a wide range of network activities and functions as both a research tool and a publication platform for its members. Network members may submit working papers for publication and are invited to participate in conferences, workshops and seminars. Members also receive regular information on the status of current research projects and hard copies of new publications.
In particular, CESifo invites members to:
- Publish discussion papers in the CESifo Working Paper Series.
- Submit successfully published working papers to the CESifo Reprint Series.
- Receive calls for papers for our network conferences.
- Receive the CESifo Bulletin and our email information service, which provides updates on forthcoming conferences, working papers and other activities.
- Receive the CESifo Forum, a quarterly journal containing debates, European business data and institutional comparisons.
- Receive the CESifo DICE Report, a journal published quarterly, containing debates about institutional comparisons.
- Use the Ifo internet database.
The members participate in the network activities as CESifo Affiliate or CESifo Fellow.
- CESifo Fellows are internationally renowned economists who, after a research stay at CES or ifo, have been invited to join the CESifo Research Network. Fellows may attend any CESifo-organised conference of their choosing, receive all CESifo publications, and benefit from additional CESifo services. Some Fellows further contribute to the network activities by organising conferences, acting as Coordinator for a given Network Research Area, becoming a member of the European Economic Advisory Group at CESifo, or a research professor at the ifo Institute.
- CESifo Affiliates are promising young economists who have been invited to join the network following a research stay at CES or Ifo. Alternatively, they have been a candidate to one of the Distinguished Affiliate prizes or have been recommended by a CESifo Fellow. Their membership as affiliates is at first for a period of four years. Those affiliates who successfully continue their academic career after their PhD and who are actively involved in CESifo activities, in particular through a good CESifo Working Paper publishing record, can be promoted to CESifo Fellow after the four-year initial period.