Promotion of Junior Scientists at LIfBi

The support of young researchers at Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) at the University of Bamberg is based on the guidelines for career support of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in the institutes of the Leibniz Association.

Target group

The promotion of young researchers at LIfBi provides target group specific offers for doctoral students and postdocs.


The promotion of young researchers at LIfBi supports and accompanies doctoral candidates and postdocs on their way to further scientific qualification and career orientation. The target group-specific continuing education program offers events on scientific and personal key qualifications, as well as demand-oriented method training. The doctoral concept introduced at the beginning of 2020 creates transparent framework conditions for doctoral positions at LIfBi and provides information about funding opportunities as well as requirements at the institute. Due to the network character of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) operated by LIfBi, young researchers can use the excellent structures of knowledge exchange with leading researchers in the respective field for the presentation of their own work results during their qualification phase within the framework of this nationwide cooperation. This creates a stimulating research environment in which young researchers in the field of empirical educational research are optimally supported and promoted.


  • Involvement of junior researchers in scientific colloquia and research consultation hours as well as networking with the internationally renowned speakers of the LIfBi Lectures series.
  • Separate funding line for junior researchers within the institute’s internal research funding for scientific guest stays abroad
  • Mentoring program for doctoral students by LIfBi postdocs
  • Joint further education and advisory services with the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg: “Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences” (BAGSS) Trimberg Research Academy (TRAc), Office of the Women’s Representative, University Library, Language Center, etc.
  • Lunchtime Talks series of events on career paths for young researchers
  • Networking and active participation of doctoral and postdoctoral representatives in the bodies and representations of the Leibniz Association
Promotion through the nationwide NEPS network:
  • College for Interdisciplinary Education Research (CIDER)
  • Graduate Program of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the School of Business and Economics of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)

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