Graduate Programme


The joint Graduate Programme of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the School of Business and Economics of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) supports promising doctoral students in the field of labour market and occupational research. The program prepares young researchers for a career in academic research and policy advice.

Target Group

Junior researchers from the social sciences and economics disciplines


  • Training of junior researchers from the social sciences and economics disciplines in the field of labour market and occupational research
  • Broad access to other researchers from the IAB, other Universities and research institutions in Germany and world-wide

Theme Focus

Labour market and occupational research


  • Study program/tuition in the field of labour market research
  • Support by mentors
  • Funding opportunities for a research visit abroad
  • Individual annual budget for conference attandance and other dissertation-related expenditures
  • Option to complete short-term internships in German ministries or any other labour-market related governmental institutions

Funding Organizations

Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

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