GESIS Doctoral Program

GESIS’ self-conception as leading infrastructure institution for the social sciences in Germany requires excellent scientific work using the latest findings in the field of social sciences, survey methodology, and computer sciences. Thus, supporting distinguished doctoral theses with the help of the GESIS Doctoral Program is an important component of this self-conception.

Target Group

The GESIS Doctoral Program is a structured interdisciplinary graduate program for all doctoral candidates working at GESIS.


Doctoral studies are carried out in collaboration with universities since only those are entitled to confer doctorates. Hence both the doctoral process and the attainment of the associated academic title are governed by the respective regulations of the university (or of the university faculty or department) where the doctorate is registered and carried out. Given this structure, the GESIS Doctoral Program offers these doctoral candidates an individually fitted program of networking- and advanced training events.


  • Conferences
  • Internal and external summer schools
  • Colloquia
  • Coaching
  • Networking Days
  • Workshops carried out by GESIS Training
  • Workshops on “Academic Writing” and “Academic Presentation”

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