The project pursues the following research questions:
- What transfer strategies do the individual projects in the funding line ‘Language Education in the Immigration Society: Developing Individual Potential and Shaping Transitions’ pursue?
- How can the individual projects be systematically located within a common body of research on language education?
- To what extent is the phenomenon of multilingualism taken into account in research?
- How can research findings be successfully transferred into educational practice?
- What role does the evaluation of evidence, relevance and usefulness by practitioners play in the successful transfer of knowledge when implementing empirically proven concepts?
The aim of the meta-project ‘Language Education in the Immigration Society’ is to place the research questions, strategies and findings of the funded individual projects and their contributions to the further development of educational practice in a larger scientific and social context. To this end, the meta-project accompanies the individual projects and also works on independent research questions. On the one hand, the state of research on language education in the immigration society is systematically communicated to the funded individual projects through research syntheses and expert opinions and introduced into the scientific discourse. On the other hand, concepts and findings from transfer and implementation research are used to investigate the personal, organisational and institutional conditions under which the funded projects succeed in putting research knowledge and innovative concepts into practice and thus fulfilling the transfer and implementation promise of language-related educational research.
The meta project also contributes to knowledge and technology transfer through its own transfer and communication activities and by supporting the funded projects.