Effects of the corona pandemic on vocational learning in adulthood

Corona and adult education

The secondary analytical project “Effects of the Corona Pandemic on Adult Learning” investigates how the pandemic and the numerous changes it brought about have affected participation in various forms of adult education and training (AET), which learning barriers and opportunities the crisis has brought, and how patterns of social inequality in AET have changed as a result. As AET will be a key component in mitigating pandemic-induced disruptions in the labor market, a prompt response to these questions is important to derive targeted educational strategies. The project is funded within the focus funding program “Education and Corona: Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Educational Processes across the Lifespan” by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The focus funding program enables the addressing of particularly pressing scientific questions. It aims to analyze pandemic-induced influences on people’s educational pathways and consider the long-term implications for societal developments (e.g., social inequality). The funded one-year evaluation projects therefore focus on longitudinal studies.

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German Research Foundation (DFG)


02/2022 - 10/2023

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